Beer score: 2.9
Web site: Busch
This is a weaker and sweeter version of Busch beer. Don't worry, the fizz is still there if you want to burp. If you are broke and on a diet, this isn't a bad choice for you.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Beer score: 3.0
Web site: Busch
This beer tastes like it's supposed to - like a cheap beer. Still, I would suggest this beer over Budweiser if for no other reason than it's a good thirst quencher. This would make a good beer during the summer while you are mowing the yard (not that I'm suggesting you drink and operate machinery - have the beer when you're done). Also, the Busch and Natural Light beers from Anheuser-Busch have a little extra fizz, thus they make good burping beers (if you needed that information).
Web site: Busch
This beer tastes like it's supposed to - like a cheap beer. Still, I would suggest this beer over Budweiser if for no other reason than it's a good thirst quencher. This would make a good beer during the summer while you are mowing the yard (not that I'm suggesting you drink and operate machinery - have the beer when you're done). Also, the Busch and Natural Light beers from Anheuser-Busch have a little extra fizz, thus they make good burping beers (if you needed that information).
B beers
Budweiser American Ale
Beer score: 4.0
Web site: Budweiser American Ale
This is, without a doubt, the best of the beers from the Budweiser folks. Not that that's saying much. Very clean looking, and goes down smooth. The taste is ... eh, it's okay, but nothing too special. Lets your non-snob friends think they're drinking something special. Worth trying once, but that's about it. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of better beers available.
Web site: Budweiser American Ale
This is, without a doubt, the best of the beers from the Budweiser folks. Not that that's saying much. Very clean looking, and goes down smooth. The taste is ... eh, it's okay, but nothing too special. Lets your non-snob friends think they're drinking something special. Worth trying once, but that's about it. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of better beers available.
B beers
Beer score: 2.9
Web site: Budweiser
This is the most "typical" and "American" of all beers. That being said, this is also the beer by which all others are measured to some degree or other. Marketing has made this beer what it is, because there sure isn't enough taste to have done it. Weak at best. Goes well with truly American foods like hamburgers and pizza.
Web site: Budweiser
This is the most "typical" and "American" of all beers. That being said, this is also the beer by which all others are measured to some degree or other. Marketing has made this beer what it is, because there sure isn't enough taste to have done it. Weak at best. Goes well with truly American foods like hamburgers and pizza.
B beers
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Bud Light Lime
Beer score: 3.5
Web site: Bud Light Lime
One of my higher ranking beers in the Budweiser genre of beers. Not that this is a great beer, but the lime flavor alone helps just a tad, dissolving some of that noxious bad beer flavor. This is a decent brew for really hot days, especially if you're working in the yard, but there are plenty of better options.
Web site: Bud Light Lime
One of my higher ranking beers in the Budweiser genre of beers. Not that this is a great beer, but the lime flavor alone helps just a tad, dissolving some of that noxious bad beer flavor. This is a decent brew for really hot days, especially if you're working in the yard, but there are plenty of better options.
B beers
Bud Light
Beer score: 3.0
Web site: Bud Light
This is the light version of it's slightly weaker cousin, Budweiser. There isn't much taste here, but there is a little more fizz than in Budweiser, thus the slightly higher score (hey, at least there was more of something). If you're wanting a light beer because you are on a diet, you can't get much weaker or lighter than this.
Web site: Bud Light
This is the light version of it's slightly weaker cousin, Budweiser. There isn't much taste here, but there is a little more fizz than in Budweiser, thus the slightly higher score (hey, at least there was more of something). If you're wanting a light beer because you are on a diet, you can't get much weaker or lighter than this.
B beers
Friday, July 23, 2010
Bud Ice Light
Beer score: 2.9
Web site: Anheuser-Busch
The most watered-down of all the Budweiser family. If you like weak beers, this is for you. There is less fizz than in Bud Light and less taste than any of the other Bud beers. Goes down easy because there isn't much to go down. Might be a decent beer with Italian food, though you might think you're drinking tap water.
Web site: Anheuser-Busch
The most watered-down of all the Budweiser family. If you like weak beers, this is for you. There is less fizz than in Bud Light and less taste than any of the other Bud beers. Goes down easy because there isn't much to go down. Might be a decent beer with Italian food, though you might think you're drinking tap water.
B beers
Bud Ice
Beer score: 3.2
Web site: Anheuser-Busch
The Anheuser-Busch people keep remaking Budweiser every few years and this is one of their latest efforts. Apparently ice crystals are formed in this beer's finishing process and this adds to the taste - does this mean they just freeze a bunch of Budweiser, then let it thaw out? I don't know, but I do know the taste is stronger here than in other beers of the Budweiser family. My guess is this is closer to what Budweiser tasted like when it was first brewed in 1876. There is less fizziness here than in Bud Light. The taste is smooth. A good hot dog or bowling beer.
Web site: Anheuser-Busch
The Anheuser-Busch people keep remaking Budweiser every few years and this is one of their latest efforts. Apparently ice crystals are formed in this beer's finishing process and this adds to the taste - does this mean they just freeze a bunch of Budweiser, then let it thaw out? I don't know, but I do know the taste is stronger here than in other beers of the Budweiser family. My guess is this is closer to what Budweiser tasted like when it was first brewed in 1876. There is less fizziness here than in Bud Light. The taste is smooth. A good hot dog or bowling beer.
B beers
Bud Dry
Beer score: 3.4
Web site: Anheuser-Busch
Little fizz with a sweet flavor that is barely there. Yet one of many "typical" Bud beers. Has been retired. No surprise there.
Web site: Anheuser-Busch
Little fizz with a sweet flavor that is barely there. Yet one of many "typical" Bud beers. Has been retired. No surprise there.
B beers
Brooklyn Lager
Beer score: 8.2
Web site: Brooklyn Brewery
Fairly strong for a lager, especially one from the U.S. Has a smooth bitter quality and goes down wet and easy. What every lager should be.
Web site: Brooklyn Brewery
Fairly strong for a lager, especially one from the U.S. Has a smooth bitter quality and goes down wet and easy. What every lager should be.
B beers
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Brooklyn East India Pale Ale
Beer score: 8.1
Web site: Brooklyn Brewery
One of the better IPAs available because it is wet, smooth and the fruity sourness often associated with IPAs is at a minimum here. The texture is a little heavy. Goes well with chili.
Web site: Brooklyn Brewery
One of the better IPAs available because it is wet, smooth and the fruity sourness often associated with IPAs is at a minimum here. The texture is a little heavy. Goes well with chili.
B beers
Brooklyn Brown Ale
Beer score: 6.1
Web site: Brooklyn Brewery
Sweet, sweet, sweet! Has a smooth burnt maple flavor and a touch of carbonation. A good brew, but not quite a great one; nothing for the Brooklyn Brewery of Brooklyn, New York, to be ashamed of.
Web site: Brooklyn Brewery
Sweet, sweet, sweet! Has a smooth burnt maple flavor and a touch of carbonation. A good brew, but not quite a great one; nothing for the Brooklyn Brewery of Brooklyn, New York, to be ashamed of.
B beers
Brewery Hill Centennial Lager
Beer score: 8.0
Web site: The Lion Brewery
A smooth, soft lager that reminds one of "blond" ales without as much carbonation. The light, layering sweetness is kind to your tongue and not overpowering at all. Apparently these people know how to make beer.
Web site: The Lion Brewery
A smooth, soft lager that reminds one of "blond" ales without as much carbonation. The light, layering sweetness is kind to your tongue and not overpowering at all. Apparently these people know how to make beer.
B beers
Sudwerk Hefe Weizen
Beer score: 5.7
Web site: Sudwerk
The folks who make this beer make it in Davis, California, but they also have a "Sudwerk Brewery and Grill" in Sacramento, California. This beer is wet with a fairly strong bitterness. Enjoyable, but not an overly special beer. Sorry.
Web site: Sudwerk
The folks who make this beer make it in Davis, California, but they also have a "Sudwerk Brewery and Grill" in Sacramento, California. This beer is wet with a fairly strong bitterness. Enjoyable, but not an overly special beer. Sorry.
S beers
Stroh's Light
Beer score: 1.9
Web site: Stroh's
Wet and weak with not as much carbonation as many light beers. The sourness in the aftertaste ruins this beer, but then what did you expect?
Web site: Stroh's
Wet and weak with not as much carbonation as many light beers. The sourness in the aftertaste ruins this beer, but then what did you expect?
S beers
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Brewery Hill Caramel Porter
Beer score: 8.1
Web site: The Lion Brewery
For those of you who want to taste the classic flavor of a burnt, caramel porter, you need go no further. This porter is strong without crossing the border over into a stout. Brewery Hill Brewing Co. of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania made this fine drink before becoming the Lion Brewery. This brew is retired, but possibly the Lion Brewery makes something similar. Anyone who knows, please let me know, because I loved this beer.
Web site: The Lion Brewery
For those of you who want to taste the classic flavor of a burnt, caramel porter, you need go no further. This porter is strong without crossing the border over into a stout. Brewery Hill Brewing Co. of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania made this fine drink before becoming the Lion Brewery. This brew is retired, but possibly the Lion Brewery makes something similar. Anyone who knows, please let me know, because I loved this beer.
B beers
Breckenridge Brewery Strawberry Wheat
Beer score: 4.7
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
Fruity with a little sweetness. Very wet but also very weak and flat. Wasn't as good as I'd hoped for, but not an awful brew.
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
Fruity with a little sweetness. Very wet but also very weak and flat. Wasn't as good as I'd hoped for, but not an awful brew.
B beers
Beer score: 5.1
Web site: Mythos Brewery
First tried this Greek beer at a Greek festival in Huntington, WV, where the food was fantastic. Normally I don't care much for Mediterranean beers, but this one's not bad. It's perfect for cooling you down on a hot summer day. However, it's not really anything overly special. Reminds me a little of Corona and other lighter brews, similar to a weak American pilsner or ale, but without as much carbonation. Try it.
Web site: Mythos Brewery
First tried this Greek beer at a Greek festival in Huntington, WV, where the food was fantastic. Normally I don't care much for Mediterranean beers, but this one's not bad. It's perfect for cooling you down on a hot summer day. However, it's not really anything overly special. Reminds me a little of Corona and other lighter brews, similar to a weak American pilsner or ale, but without as much carbonation. Try it.
M beers
Murphy's Irish Stout Draught
Beer score: 4.6
Web site: Murphy's
This drink comes from the Murphy's Brewery of Ireland and is shipped into the States by Heineken. Extremely weak for a stout. So weak, in fact, you could guzzle this beer (and stouts typically should not be guzzled). One of the wettest beers I've ever had. So wet it isn't frothy or fizzy - almost as if it's flat but without the dullness. Some burnt flavoring with a slight tea-like aftertaste. Not an exceptional beer, but worth trying and not all that bad.
Web site: Murphy's
This drink comes from the Murphy's Brewery of Ireland and is shipped into the States by Heineken. Extremely weak for a stout. So weak, in fact, you could guzzle this beer (and stouts typically should not be guzzled). One of the wettest beers I've ever had. So wet it isn't frothy or fizzy - almost as if it's flat but without the dullness. Some burnt flavoring with a slight tea-like aftertaste. Not an exceptional beer, but worth trying and not all that bad.
M beers
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Breckenridge Brewery Oatmeal Stout
Beer score: 8.7
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
This stuff could give Guinness a run for its money. Thick like a stout should be, but still goes down smooth. Has a nice nutty, burnt flavor that isn't overly strong. One of the most drinkable stouts on the market. A little tasting lesson here: Stouts are better served a little warm (let's say no higher than 55 degree Fahrenheit). The flavor comes out better when stouts aren't ice cold; actually, this is true for most beers.
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
This stuff could give Guinness a run for its money. Thick like a stout should be, but still goes down smooth. Has a nice nutty, burnt flavor that isn't overly strong. One of the most drinkable stouts on the market. A little tasting lesson here: Stouts are better served a little warm (let's say no higher than 55 degree Fahrenheit). The flavor comes out better when stouts aren't ice cold; actually, this is true for most beers.
B beers
Murphy's Irish Amber
Beer score: 6.4
Web site: Murphy's
This stuff is brewed at Lady's Well Brewery in Cork, Ireland, by Murphy Brewery Ireland Ltd. Sweet with a touch of carbonation. You can drink this stuff all day long.
Web site: Murphy's
This stuff is brewed at Lady's Well Brewery in Cork, Ireland, by Murphy Brewery Ireland Ltd. Sweet with a touch of carbonation. You can drink this stuff all day long.
M beers
Morland "Old Speckled Hen" Draught
Beer score: 4.0
Web site: Greene King
According to the back of a beer can, this ale is named after a speckled MG car. Morland of Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England, brews this. Has a very soft, fluffy head. Very smooth but leaves a cheap bitterness on the tongue. Wet. Goes well with fish and chips.
Web site: Greene King
According to the back of a beer can, this ale is named after a speckled MG car. Morland of Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England, brews this. Has a very soft, fluffy head. Very smooth but leaves a cheap bitterness on the tongue. Wet. Goes well with fish and chips.
M beers
Monday, July 19, 2010
Breckenridge Brewery Mountain Wheat
Beer score: 5.0
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
So light it almost seems tasteless at first. Goes down easy enough for non-snobs to enjoy, but has an interesting light texture that true snobs can linger on, too.
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
So light it almost seems tasteless at first. Goes down easy enough for non-snobs to enjoy, but has an interesting light texture that true snobs can linger on, too.
B beers
Birra Moretti
Beer score: 4.3
Web site: Birra Moretti
Extremely smooth with a nice head, but has a weak, American taste. Goes well with pastas; also keeps the tongue cool after you've been eating peppers. The label has a painting of a guy who looks like he should have been in The Godfather movie. Imported in the United States from northern Italy.
Web site: Birra Moretti
Extremely smooth with a nice head, but has a weak, American taste. Goes well with pastas; also keeps the tongue cool after you've been eating peppers. The label has a painting of a guy who looks like he should have been in The Godfather movie. Imported in the United States from northern Italy.
B beers
Beer score: 5.4
Web site: Straub Beer
Brewed by the Straub Brewery, Inc. of St. Mary's, Pennsylvania. Goes down extremely smooth, almost too smooth. The bottle says this stuff is made with mountain spring water and has no preservatives, no sugar and no salt; that's good because there's almost no taste. I'm not saying it tastes bad, just not much taste at all. People fond of water would like this beer.
Web site: Straub Beer
Brewed by the Straub Brewery, Inc. of St. Mary's, Pennsylvania. Goes down extremely smooth, almost too smooth. The bottle says this stuff is made with mountain spring water and has no preservatives, no sugar and no salt; that's good because there's almost no taste. I'm not saying it tastes bad, just not much taste at all. People fond of water would like this beer.
S beers
Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Beer score: 6.5
Web site: Stone Brewing Company
One of the sweet stouts. Made in San Diego County, California. Has the strong, burnt caramel taste of a decent stout. The bottle says this brew is a limited release for the spring of 2006, but I'm drinking it in the early winter of 2007 and it still tastes fine to me. Maybe they make a new limited batch each year. If you don't watch yourself, a strong brew like this can get you loopy very quickly. Smart stuff here.
Web site: Stone Brewing Company
One of the sweet stouts. Made in San Diego County, California. Has the strong, burnt caramel taste of a decent stout. The bottle says this brew is a limited release for the spring of 2006, but I'm drinking it in the early winter of 2007 and it still tastes fine to me. Maybe they make a new limited batch each year. If you don't watch yourself, a strong brew like this can get you loopy very quickly. Smart stuff here.
S beers
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Breckenridge Brewery I.P.A.
Beer score: 6.8
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
The typical India pale ale sourness is strong here, but not unbearable. Smooth, but makes rough swallowing.
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
The typical India pale ale sourness is strong here, but not unbearable. Smooth, but makes rough swallowing.
B beers
Breckenridge Brewery Christmas Ale
Beer score: 3.8
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
A little wetter than most holiday brews, but otherwise it's another overly-sweet, overly-nutmeggy, overly-cinnamon and overly-bad Christmas beer.
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
A little wetter than most holiday brews, but otherwise it's another overly-sweet, overly-nutmeggy, overly-cinnamon and overly-bad Christmas beer.
B beers
Molson Light
Beer score: 4.9
Web site: MolsonCoors
At first sip, this beer is sweet and watery, but it gets a bit stronger on the way down. Just a tad too much fizz.
Web site: MolsonCoors
At first sip, this beer is sweet and watery, but it gets a bit stronger on the way down. Just a tad too much fizz.
M beers
Breckenridge Brewery Avalanche Ale
Beer score: 6.2
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
A microbrewery in Denver, Colorado, makes this amber ale. Fairly sweet with no fizz. Goes down smooth and easy with a watery texture. Worth tasting and might even make a good drinking beer, especially with bar snacks like pretzels. This would be a good brew for beginning beer snobs to start working their way up with.
Web site: Breckenridge Brewery
A microbrewery in Denver, Colorado, makes this amber ale. Fairly sweet with no fizz. Goes down smooth and easy with a watery texture. Worth tasting and might even make a good drinking beer, especially with bar snacks like pretzels. This would be a good brew for beginning beer snobs to start working their way up with.
B beers
Beer score: 3.5
Web site: Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma
Yet another weak, fizzy Mexican brew. You premium beer drinkers might like this. I'll leave it to you.
Web site: Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma
Yet another weak, fizzy Mexican brew. You premium beer drinkers might like this. I'll leave it to you.
B beers
Stella Artois
Beer score: 3.7
Web site: Stella Artois
This lager from Belgium is very smooth going down but has a somewhat American mass-marketed taste. A smooth, slightly bitter flavor. This brew has gained in popularity in recent years, and it is a decent beer, but I didn't think it's was all that.
Web site: Stella Artois
This lager from Belgium is very smooth going down but has a somewhat American mass-marketed taste. A smooth, slightly bitter flavor. This brew has gained in popularity in recent years, and it is a decent beer, but I didn't think it's was all that.
S beers
Beer score: 3.0
Web site: Steinlager
The bottle calls this New Zealand's finest. If that's true, then I wouldn't drink beer while in New Zealand. True, there are many beers worse than this one, but there's plenty that are a whole lot better. Has a cheap German-but-made-for-Americans flavor to it. It's beers like this that keep American Budweiser drinkers from trying other foreign beers. I've also seen this one labeled as "Steinlager Classic."
Web site: Steinlager
The bottle calls this New Zealand's finest. If that's true, then I wouldn't drink beer while in New Zealand. True, there are many beers worse than this one, but there's plenty that are a whole lot better. Has a cheap German-but-made-for-Americans flavor to it. It's beers like this that keep American Budweiser drinkers from trying other foreign beers. I've also seen this one labeled as "Steinlager Classic."
S beers
Molson Ice

Web site: MolsonCoors
This beer isn't as good as it's Canadian Lager cousin. The taste isn't real strong. There is a lot more fizz which makes it harder to swallow.
M beers
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Yuengling Traditional Lager
Beer score: 4.7
Web site: Yuengling
Too much carbonation. The bottle tells it like it is - this is a traditional, but not a bad, premium beer. Made in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
Web site: Yuengling
Too much carbonation. The bottle tells it like it is - this is a traditional, but not a bad, premium beer. Made in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
Y beers
Boddingtons Pub Ale
Beer score: 4.9
Web site: ABInBev
Brewed at The Strangeways Brewery of Manchester, England. Word of warning: Don't drink directly from the bottle because of a floating plastic device inside. The ball is not supposed to come out of the bottle, but you never can tell. I've seen a few other English beers, usually in cans, that have this plastic ball in the bottle; supposedly the ball gives the beer more of a straight-from-the-tap texture and a nice head. This beer has one of the frothiest heads around. The beer is very smooth and has a somewhat cheap, American lager taste but not the texture. Leaves a bitter aftertaste on the tongue. Much more common in a can, but I've seen it a few times in a bottle.
Web site: ABInBev
Brewed at The Strangeways Brewery of Manchester, England. Word of warning: Don't drink directly from the bottle because of a floating plastic device inside. The ball is not supposed to come out of the bottle, but you never can tell. I've seen a few other English beers, usually in cans, that have this plastic ball in the bottle; supposedly the ball gives the beer more of a straight-from-the-tap texture and a nice head. This beer has one of the frothiest heads around. The beer is very smooth and has a somewhat cheap, American lager taste but not the texture. Leaves a bitter aftertaste on the tongue. Much more common in a can, but I've seen it a few times in a bottle.
B beers
Blue Ridge Porter
Beer score: 7.7
Web site: Flying Dog Brewery
Has a decent amount of bitterness and a fairly strong coffee and/or burnt caramel flavoring. This is a "chocolate" beer, which doesn't mean it has chocolate in it; chocolate beers are dark and often have the coffee taste I mentioned earlier. Brought to us originally by the Frederick Brewing Co. in Frederick, Maryland, but they've been bought out by the Flying Dog brewing folks, so I'm not sure if this brew is any longer available.
Web site: Flying Dog Brewery
Has a decent amount of bitterness and a fairly strong coffee and/or burnt caramel flavoring. This is a "chocolate" beer, which doesn't mean it has chocolate in it; chocolate beers are dark and often have the coffee taste I mentioned earlier. Brought to us originally by the Frederick Brewing Co. in Frederick, Maryland, but they've been bought out by the Flying Dog brewing folks, so I'm not sure if this brew is any longer available.
B beers
Blue Ridge ESB Red Ale
Beer score: 6.0
Web site: Flying Dog Brewery
The Frederick Brewing Co. made this brew when I first tasted it, but a few years back the company was bought out by Flying Dog Brewery. This beer is of the style called "bitter" in England. Really, there's not much special here. In taste and texture it's similar to many other "red" beers, though it's probably a little better than most reds.
Web site: Flying Dog Brewery
The Frederick Brewing Co. made this brew when I first tasted it, but a few years back the company was bought out by Flying Dog Brewery. This beer is of the style called "bitter" in England. Really, there's not much special here. In taste and texture it's similar to many other "red" beers, though it's probably a little better than most reds.
B beers
Young's Ram Rod
Beer score: 4.1
Web site: Young's
Wet with a cool bitterness going down. Has a slight apple smell. There's just a touch of sweetness and it has a cider feel in your mouth. The bitterness gets stronger the more you drink.
Web site: Young's
Wet with a cool bitterness going down. Has a slight apple smell. There's just a touch of sweetness and it has a cider feel in your mouth. The bitterness gets stronger the more you drink.
Y beers
Steel Reserve High Gravity lager
Beer score: 2.3
Web site: Steel Brewing
Wet with an almost malt liquor flavor. A little hard to swallow at first but this eases up by the fourth drink or so. Nothing special about this beer. It's a product of the Steel Brewing Company of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Web site: Steel Brewing
Wet with an almost malt liquor flavor. A little hard to swallow at first but this eases up by the fourth drink or so. Nothing special about this beer. It's a product of the Steel Brewing Company of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
S beers
Spanish Peaks White Ale
Beer score: 8.8
Web site: Spanish Peaks Brewing Co.
A light, slightly sweet beer with some texture and flavor reminiscent of a Belgian lambic. In other words, it feels and tastes something like a cider. The bottle says this fine ale is made with "orange peel, coriander & black pepper." Comes to us from the Spanish Peaks Brewing Co. of New Ulm, Minesotta, and Bozeman, Montana.
Web site: Spanish Peaks Brewing Co.
A light, slightly sweet beer with some texture and flavor reminiscent of a Belgian lambic. In other words, it feels and tastes something like a cider. The bottle says this fine ale is made with "orange peel, coriander & black pepper." Comes to us from the Spanish Peaks Brewing Co. of New Ulm, Minesotta, and Bozeman, Montana.
S beers
Guinness Extra Stout
Beer score: 9.6
Web site: Guinness
Much too strong for beginner beer snobs. This is a good strong food beer, especially with mustard, pretzels and peppers. For something adventurous, try a bottle of Guinness with a 1/2 cup or cup of lime juice - it kills much of the strength and gives you a different taste entirely. Guinness is one of the thickest, stoutest and strongest beers there is - a six pack will get you very wasted. This is my favorite of all the stouts, even if it is mass marketed.
Web site: Guinness
Much too strong for beginner beer snobs. This is a good strong food beer, especially with mustard, pretzels and peppers. For something adventurous, try a bottle of Guinness with a 1/2 cup or cup of lime juice - it kills much of the strength and gives you a different taste entirely. Guinness is one of the thickest, stoutest and strongest beers there is - a six pack will get you very wasted. This is my favorite of all the stouts, even if it is mass marketed.
G beers
Beer score: 8.0
Web site: Czechvar
This is one of three beers in the world that at one place or another has the name of Budweiser. Yes, for you who did not know, the beer in the U.S. known as Budweiser is not the only, nor the original, brew with that name. In fact, the name was stolen from two other beers in Europe. This particular beer here that I'm tasting is known as Czechvar in the U.S. and Canada for legal purposes, even though they had the Budweiser name a few years before the U.S. company did. This particular beer is what premium American beers only dream they can be. Very refreshing and light looking. Goes down silky smooth with a nice flavor. Comes from the Czech Republic. Give this one a try!
Web site: Czechvar
This is one of three beers in the world that at one place or another has the name of Budweiser. Yes, for you who did not know, the beer in the U.S. known as Budweiser is not the only, nor the original, brew with that name. In fact, the name was stolen from two other beers in Europe. This particular beer here that I'm tasting is known as Czechvar in the U.S. and Canada for legal purposes, even though they had the Budweiser name a few years before the U.S. company did. This particular beer is what premium American beers only dream they can be. Very refreshing and light looking. Goes down silky smooth with a nice flavor. Comes from the Czech Republic. Give this one a try!
C beers
Blue Ridge Amber Lager
Beer score: 5.9
Web site: Flying Dog Brewery
Good cold and wet, but not much here for a true beer snob. A pretty good beer for premium beer drinkers to expand their tastes with. Not a bad beer, not at all, but nothing here really jumped out at me and screamed "awesome beer!"
Web site: Flying Dog Brewery
Good cold and wet, but not much here for a true beer snob. A pretty good beer for premium beer drinkers to expand their tastes with. Not a bad beer, not at all, but nothing here really jumped out at me and screamed "awesome beer!"
B beers
Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale
Beer score: 4.5
Web site: Blue Moon Brewing Co.
An amber beer that was made using pumpkins. Not an overly strong beer, but too complicated for beginning beer drinkers. This is a seasonal brew from the Blue Moon Brewing Co. of Denver, Colorado, and Memphis, Tennessee. A little reminiscent of spicy holiday brews. A very smooth and frothy texture, but I don't care much for the flavor. This brew has recently been replaced with Blue Moon Harvest Moon, but to tell the truth I'm not sure if the recipe is the same or different. Anyone know?
Web site: Blue Moon Brewing Co.
An amber beer that was made using pumpkins. Not an overly strong beer, but too complicated for beginning beer drinkers. This is a seasonal brew from the Blue Moon Brewing Co. of Denver, Colorado, and Memphis, Tennessee. A little reminiscent of spicy holiday brews. A very smooth and frothy texture, but I don't care much for the flavor. This brew has recently been replaced with Blue Moon Harvest Moon, but to tell the truth I'm not sure if the recipe is the same or different. Anyone know?
B beers
Friday, July 16, 2010
Molson Golden
Beer score: 4.6
Web site: MolsonCoors
This drink has a flat, fizzy taste to it. There's a little bitterness, but not much. This beer could use some work, but by the third or fourth one you really don't know what you're drinking anyway.
Web site: MolsonCoors
This drink has a flat, fizzy taste to it. There's a little bitterness, but not much. This beer could use some work, but by the third or fourth one you really don't know what you're drinking anyway.
M beers
Young's Old Nick
Beer score: 3.3
Web site: Young's
Young and Company's Brewery, also known as The Ram Brewery, makes this drink and the other Young's drinks in London. The bottle calls this beverage a "Barley Wine Style Ale," and I can see why because this stuff is extremely sweet. The sweetness is reminiscent of some of the stronger Scottish ales. Sorry, but I just don't like overly sweet beers. I'll drink something else.
Web site: Young's
Young and Company's Brewery, also known as The Ram Brewery, makes this drink and the other Young's drinks in London. The bottle calls this beverage a "Barley Wine Style Ale," and I can see why because this stuff is extremely sweet. The sweetness is reminiscent of some of the stronger Scottish ales. Sorry, but I just don't like overly sweet beers. I'll drink something else.
Y beers
Spanish Peaks Porter
Beer score: 7.1
Web site: Spanish Peaks Brewing Co.
Strong and bitter, almost to the level of a weaker stout. The burnt maple taste is here but not overpowering, as it is in some porters. Goes down fairly easy. One of the better porters I've had.
Web site: Spanish Peaks Brewing Co.
Strong and bitter, almost to the level of a weaker stout. The burnt maple taste is here but not overpowering, as it is in some porters. Goes down fairly easy. One of the better porters I've had.
S beers
Crooked River Lighthouse Gold
Beer score: 6.6
A nice, light thirst-quenching lager. Light enough you could sit around and drink these all evening without feeling bloated. A good beer for moving furniture (no kidding). But alas, another beer and another brewery that's no longer with us.
A nice, light thirst-quenching lager. Light enough you could sit around and drink these all evening without feeling bloated. A good beer for moving furniture (no kidding). But alas, another beer and another brewery that's no longer with us.
C beers
Blue Moon Honey Blonde Ale
Beer score: 6.4
Web site: Blue Moon Brewing Co.
Smooth and frothy with a non-overpowering honey sweetness. Just the barest hint of spices. Not a bad brew, but I believe it is no longer on the market but has been replaced with Blue Moon Honey Moon Summer Ale.
Web site: Blue Moon Brewing Co.
Smooth and frothy with a non-overpowering honey sweetness. Just the barest hint of spices. Not a bad brew, but I believe it is no longer on the market but has been replaced with Blue Moon Honey Moon Summer Ale.
B beers
Guinness Draught
Beer score: 8.4
Web site: Guinness
Comes from Dublin, Ireland. Has an extremely smooth head to it; in fact, the smoothest, frothiest head on any beer I've ever had. Has the expected Guinness strength to it. Not quite as tasty as Guinness Extra Stout, but still has plenty of burnt caramel flavoring. The term "draught" generally means, in modern usage, a drink that comes from a pressurized can or keg. Here, it's usually from a can, though there is Guinness Draught available in a bottle (which has one of those little floating ball things inside it which is supposed to pressurize the beer or at least make it taste pressurized, not sure which).
Web site: Guinness
Comes from Dublin, Ireland. Has an extremely smooth head to it; in fact, the smoothest, frothiest head on any beer I've ever had. Has the expected Guinness strength to it. Not quite as tasty as Guinness Extra Stout, but still has plenty of burnt caramel flavoring. The term "draught" generally means, in modern usage, a drink that comes from a pressurized can or keg. Here, it's usually from a can, though there is Guinness Draught available in a bottle (which has one of those little floating ball things inside it which is supposed to pressurize the beer or at least make it taste pressurized, not sure which).
G beers
Molson Canadian Lager
Beer score: 5.6
Web site: MolsonCoors
This is what American beers try to be. A cheese and crackers beer. A good, plain, all-around beer. Not necessarily a beer snob’s beer, but a beer for beer snob wannabes and people who want non-beer snobs to think they are beer snobs. My favorite of all the Molson brews.
Web site: MolsonCoors
This is what American beers try to be. A cheese and crackers beer. A good, plain, all-around beer. Not necessarily a beer snob’s beer, but a beer for beer snob wannabes and people who want non-beer snobs to think they are beer snobs. My favorite of all the Molson brews.
M beers
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